Now, no need to bother, start using Amazon’s newly launched Mobile app making tool Amazon Honeycode beta!

Amazon Honeycode Tool:
Amazon AWS launched Amazon Honeycode tool in beta form on June 24th,2020 to develop Mobile & Web application without writing any code. Company and Organization can now develop in-house mobile or web-based applications for different tasks using a familiar Spreadsheet model. Also, if you don’t want to start it from scratch, you can upload your own already made a spreadsheet in CSV format.
Organizations can make an app for some of the inhouse tasks which can be developed by using Amazon Honeycode as below. This tool is intended to make a problem-solving Mobile-Web based application for business problems. Builders can also set up notifications, reminders and approval workflows within the app service.

In a tweet, Andy Jassy, CEO of AWS, tells that:
How many apps never get built b/c people don’t have programming skills or the technology team is too busy to get your app? A lot. This is what our new #AWS service, Amazon Honeycode, intends to address. Makes everybody a #builder.
Already in 2015 Microsoft introduced PowerApps, later branded as Power Platform, for power-users to make customized app to address the business issues. Also in January, 2020 Google acquired AppSheet, which was developing a no-code application development tool. There are many other players like Salesforce, Mendix and Outsystems who offer the same platform. It is predicted by Forrester that this market would grow by 50% a year and about $21 Bn by 2024.
Initial Limitations:

Presently, Amazon Honeycode is free to use for teams with up to 20 members and 2,500 rows per workbook. After that organization can upgrade to a paid plan when you need additional capacity. And you can make your mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms. But currently, Amazon Honeycode is only available in the US-East (North Virginia) and US-West (Oregon) AWS regions with more regions to follow soon.
You can get more information about Honeycode clicking here by and for pricing click